long ago zeus, god of the sky &̲&̲ ruler of olympus , tempted the goddess persephone into sexual deviance under the guise of a serpent. this sinful deed was the birth of ZAGREUS it wasn't long after his birth that young zagreus proved his capabilities to his father zeus by crawling upon the throne on the peak of olympus , pulling himself onto it &̲&̲ wielding the god's personally made his legendary lightning bolts in his hands , which previously could only be controlled by zeus &̲&̲ the blacksmiths who made them. it was in this moment that zeus understood that zagreus was special &̲&̲ saw great potential in him. if the newly born god could handle the ruler's weaponry , then it wouldn't be long until he would develop enough power to be the next king , thus zues intended to mold him into his worthy successor. zeus loved the child unlike anyone else. he cared for him &̲&̲ trained him personally. though their happiness wouldn't last for long.hera , queen of the gods &̲&̲ wife of zeus , was enraged by her husband's affair &̲&̲ sought revenge on the both of them. she reached out to the old gods , the titans , &̲&̲ set them free with the task of KILLING zagreus with the intention of sending zeus into despair , thus fulfilling their own revenge against him for his hostile takeover. the titans obliged &̲&̲ lured zagreus to them by offering him toys &̲&̲ , once his guard was down , they made their attack. despite his young age , zagreus was able to fight them off. he did damaged onto them by taking the form of a serpent , a lion , a tiger &̲&̲ a bull during the battle &̲&̲ was holding his own against the old gods until hera , who was watching from above , let out a terrible shriek of anger that rendered zagreus weakened. &̲&̲ it was on this moment that the titans each seized a limb , held the child down &̲&̲ gleefully took turns chopping them off one by one , all the while the boy screamed in agony. after dismembering zagreus , they proceeded to eat him alive.zeus , who smelled the burning flesh &̲&̲ went to investigate the source , discovered the scene. but instead of being distraught like hera predicted , he became enraged &̲&̲ singlehandedly defeated the titans in divine fury, their ashes being used to create the first humans.but before his heart could be consumed , ATHENA swooped in &̲&̲ rescued it from the titans’ grasp.after zagreus's death , NYX , the godddess of night , went to the fates &̲&̲ convinced them to bring the boy back to life. zeus approached nyx following zagreus's resurrection &̲&̲ requested that she raised the god alongside hades in the underworld for fear of hera discovering the child's existence &̲&̲ plotting his death once again. nyx agreed &̲&̲ she took it upon herself to raise zagreus as her own in the underworld with hades serving as his surrogate father after persephone's escape from the underworld.from then on , zagreus would be raised in the underworld under hades’ &̲&̲ nyx’s parentage. the young god had a strained relationship with hades , who treated him cruelly due to his rebellious nature , his failure to reach his expectations as the heir to his throne &̲&̲ his own frustrations , which he let out on his son. so , when zagreus became of age , he made it his mission to escape the underworld , earning the ire of hades &̲&̲ all who live under his domain. after battling against HELL ITSELF in a cruel , unforgiving quest , navigating its various chambers &̲&̲ fighting his way through hordes of beasts &̲&̲ divine mercenaries sent to strike him down , going through many DEATHS in the process , he finally ZAGREUS roams the multiverse as a rouge god in search of his true purpose.


name : zagreus
species : god
domain : blood , life , hunting &̲&̲ rebirth
title : prince of the underworld
heritage : zeus ( birth father, ) persephone ( birth mother , ) hades ( foster father , ) nyx ( foster mother )
orientation : biromantic bisexual


ZAGREUS is the rebellious son of hades &̲&̲ , unknowingly , persephone ; but he was raised by nyx. he is largely defined by his persistence , good humor , wit , &̲&̲ his kindness. having spent most of his immortal life bearing the brunt of his father hades' repressed frustration &̲&̲ rage , he grew up feeling distant &̲&̲ out of place from the other denizens of the underworld , partially due to his failing to meet the heavy expectations of his father , &̲&̲ partially his apparent inability to contribute to the running of the underworld. when he discovers the truth of his parentage , he decides to attempt to escape the realm of the dead to seek out his long-lost mother. despite all the trials &̲&̲ many deaths he faces, he never wavers in pursing his goal , never showing any sign of doubt in his efforts , even in the face of his father's wrath , nor when his own mother at one point tells him not to seek her out anymore.despite his traumatizing past , ZAGREUS is often shown to be humble , good-humored , &̲&̲ often sarcastic &̲&̲ self-deprecating. his jovial , if somewhat-insubordinate nature allows him to easily befriend the many people he encounters , treating people of lower status as his equals , although he is respectful of his elders ( aside from his father , ) especially his fellow gods. he is sometimes shown to be somewhat blasé , which has led him to offend the people around him or act without thinking of the consequences. however , he often reflects on this &̲&̲ is quick to apologize when he oversteps. he has a mischievous side , &̲&̲ is fond of pranking others.he is fiercely protective of his friends &̲&̲ loved ones , &̲&̲ goes out of his way to defend them with little regard toward status or societal expectations. he often leverages his own influence to improve the lives of others.




GODLY STRENGTH : zagreus has down incredible strength even in his younger years. as a newly born child , he was strong enough to climb atop zeus's throne upon olympus &̲&̲ wield his lightning bolts naturally , a feat that impressed the king of gods. he was also strong enough to singlehandedly fight against the titans at a young age , even holding his own despite being a child &̲&̲ being caught by surprise until hera's intervention. he can kill wretches ( or the beasts of the underworld ) with a single strike &̲&̲ destroy their hellish armor with ease. he is capable of destroyed crystals , gemstones , bones &̲&̲ rock with little to no effort. he is also strong enough to compare to his foster father , hades && his godly relatives at olympus such as zeus &̲&̲ poseidon.GODLY SPEED : zagreus possesses incredible speed. he's fast enough to dodge zeus's lightning strikes &̲&̲ can be compared to hermes , who is a god renowned for his speed. he is capable of evading targeted energy beams fired by brimstone &̲&̲ megaera's agile strikes.GODLY DURABILITY : zagreus is able to tank blows from numerous powerful beings such as the furies &̲&̲ hades. he's also capable of withstanding attack after attack by large armies of numerous beasts all assaulting him at once.GODLY STAMINA : zagreus has an incredible amount of stamina ; enough to fight his way through hordes of hellish beasts across the underworld’s vast &̲&̲ numerous chambers with hardly any rest. along the way , he also had to battle against the three furies ( megaera , alecto &̲&̲ tisiphone , ) a bone hydra , theseus &̲&̲ even hades , god of the underworld himself.GODLY ENDURANCE : zagreus as an incredible amount of endurance. he is capable of fighting through the underworld's many &̲&̲ vast chambers filled with wretches , beasts , warriors &̲&̲ gods alike who sought to strike him down without hardy any rest. he's able to fight continuously for days without without succumbing to exhaustion.BLOOD MANIPULATION : as the god of blood ,zagreus can manipulate ,create &̲&̲ control blood. he can make projectiles of his own blood ,sense the blood flow in others ,control the blood even within the bodies of others ,create large bodies of blood , materialize objects from blood ,resurrect himself in blood among other things. he can also heal ailments &̲&̲ revive the dead with his blood.REVIVAL : as the god of life &̲&̲ rebirth , zagreus has the ability to bring beings back from the dead ,so long as his target was formally alive.RESURRECTION : as the god of rebirth , zagreus can die but will be revived in the river styx moments later afterwards , making him susceptible to death but otherwise immortal , making him unable to truly kill.DEATH DEFIANCE : when he dies , zagreus can defy death &̲&̲ immediately resurrect in okay condition three times in a row before his fourth death kills him.HEAT RESISTANCE : zagreus is incredibly resistant to heat , only being able to be burned by the hottest magma within asphodel , the second area in the underworld , which is said to be able to effect even the most heat-resistant of beings. even then , the magma does minimal damage to zagreus when he was caught in it. he was also capable of partaking in intense battle against legions of monsters in the searing heat of asphodel.COLD RESISTANCE : zagreus is resistant to the cold. he can withstand temperatures that would otherwise be lethal towards humans and mortals alike though not immune , as he feels the chill of demeter’s divine winter.POISON RESISTANCE : zagreus can withstand the deadly poison of satyrs &̲&̲ dionysus’ lethally toxic attacks.SELF-SUSTENANCE : as a god , zagreus does not need to eat or drink to survive. he simply does so out of leisure.DARKNESS MANIPULATION : zagreus is able to absorb dark essence to empower himself. it is stated by nyx , goddess of the night , that he is particularly united with the darkness of the underworld && has a lot of potential.TELEPORTATION &̲&̲ INTANGIBILITY : zagreus can phase through attacks &̲&̲ objects through dashing. he can potentially hone this ability &̲&̲ do this on a much greater, global scale by shifting himself from one place to another with practice, similarly to how thanatos teleports himself through the underworld.SPECTRAL INTERACTION : zagreus is able to communicate with, touch &̲&̲ even attack ghosts &̲&̲ souls themselves.SHAPESHIFTING : zagreus can take on the form of multiple things , particularly animals. as a young child , he used this ability to fight against the titans.WIELDING OTHER GODS’ ABILITIES : zagreus seems to have the power to possess the abilities of other gods. he once carried zeus’ lightning bolt &̲&̲ can use the unique skills that gods give him in the form of BOONSaccompanying his natural divine composition , ZAGREUS is also highly trained in the art of combat. during his time in the underworld , hades employed the nigh-incinvible demi-god hero achilles , who is famed for his strength && his role in the trojan war. that , alongside his training with skelly , made him very versatile in battle. because of this , he is a : MASTER HAND-TO-HAND COMBATANT , MASTER SWORDSMAN , MASTER SPEARSMAN , MASTER ARCHER && MASTER MARKSMAN


STYGIUS , THE BLADE OF THE UNDERWORLD , must have been among the finest weapons ever wielded , back when it was whole. back when the six elder gods sealed the titans in the deepest recesses of tartarus , that blade evidently played no small role in their success. it must have been lord poseidon who brandished that blade before he opted for that trident he so likes. now the blade lies broken , survived only by its burning soul. i knew that master hades would pay little heed if i provided all the shattered remnants of the thing to his own son , who naturally was able to reconstitute them into something more than functional, indeed. it has been long since last the blade had a partner , and as i transported it , i could sense its eagerness to return to battle ; to relive its own memories. i am left to wonder , who else shall someday bear this blade ? the master's son , among his charitable qualities , isn't warlike enough to want to use it forever.

it must have been a sight when lord hades wielded VARATHA THE ETERNAL SPEAR versus the titans , driving back those fiends into the depths , together with the help of his olympian brothers and sisters. the master since has traded in that terrifying weapon for an even larger two-pronged fork he likes to brandish in threat , noting sometimes its superiority to the trident of lord poseidon, which he insists is a mere copy. VARATHA , meanwhile , has seen better days -- but , it is a weapon built for WAR. &̲&̲ war shall always find it , i suspect. after all , it now lies in the hands of the lord hades' heir , in whose command it much resembles the two-pronged fork lord hades came to favor since that time. father &̲&̲ son are much alike at least in this.

AEGIS , THE SHIELD OF CHAOS , predecessor to the very aegis wielded by lord zeus &̲&̲ by athena , his most favored daughter . . . the lord of thunder defended his brothers &̲&̲ sisters using that very shield when , together , they conspired to drive the titans back into the lowest reaches of the underworld. the shield was shattered , yet a burning effigy remains , its power still intact. a power sealed within the visage of a monstrous entity even the titans feared. tts might is uncontrollable , &̲&̲ it scarce functions as a manner of defense. instead , its writhing maw augments its wielder's might , shattering bone &̲&̲ solid rock with little effort , &̲&̲ considerable zeal. the family of weapons used to end the titan-war, the other members of it seem almost alive in their own way ; but , there is no almost about this. it instills in me a feeling i would rather leave unnamed. may the next bearer of AEGIS meet it on agreeable terms.

CORONACHT , THE HEART SEEKER BOW , is certainly the finest bow ever conceived , &̲&̲ wielded once by none other than mistress hera who stood side by side with zeus , on better terms back then , as they drove back the Titans under a storm of arrows &̲&̲ thunder. hera since abandoned her once-warlike ways -- quite understandably , for she has greater matters to attend to now. however, CORONACHT yet yearns for further bloodshed. that it shall find in the hands of lord hades' own son , whom i taught the ways of such weapons. may it serve the prince better than it served me. that is to say , may it serve him better than it served my master from my mortal days.

what is a weapon if not the extension of one's will to survive , to destroy ? the ancient cyclopean forge-masters who created the INFERNAL ARMS in accordance with the fates' design must have understood this when they delivered the singular TWIN FISTS OF MALPHON in secret to the gods. any other weapon must be held in hand , but MALPHON bonds with its bearer utterly , engulfing them with primal strength and alacrity. it is said even the olympians hesitated to embrace the TWIN FISTS , until lady demeter , her hands accustomed to tilling the land , stepped forward &̲&̲ accepted the gift. the titans recoiled from MALPHON'S RELENTLESS ATTACKS , overwhelmed by its FURY , unable to defend against it as one might a spear or blade. the titan hyperion suffered the worst of it , his undying body pulverized to such an extent that even his legacy was destroyed. i can only imagine that was not the first such legacy brought to ruin; and that each time , MALPHON created another , greater legacy in its wake. one to be told &̲&̲ retold for aeons to come.

least known among the gods who stood together to depose the titans is the lady hestia , reclusive goddess of the hearth , &̲&̲ one-time wielder of EXAGRYPH , THE RAIL OF ADAMANT ; an artifact of metal and of flame so DREADFUL that the gods themselves abandoned it once their fell work was done. THE RAIL has a form &̲&̲ function to befit one's nightmares -- while other weapons of the gods inspired mortal counterparts , i am relieved to say THE RAIL'S cruel design has not yet been discovered in a stroke of mortal inspiration , to conduct their wars. let us pray for their sake that it never shall. for now , its secrets remain trapped within the darkest regions of the underworld, along with the remains of the titans defeated by it. someday , however , i imagine it shall break free from this place ; for any weapon once possessed by eris , lady strife herself , becomes possessed of an eternal hunger to destroy.


during his journey through the underworld , ZAGREUS was
blessed by the GODS OF OLYMPUS , who granted him their
abilities through BOONS. he's collected many throughout
his various lives from each of the famed deities.


LIGHTNING STRIKE : a chain of divine lightning is emitted from zagreus's attack.THUNDER FLOURISH : lighting rains down upon the area &̲&̲ strikes down nearby foes.ELECTRIC SHOT : a burst of chain lightning is launched which bounces between foes , damaging them in the process.THUNDER FLARE : a summon of a divine lightning bolt that strikes opponents from above.THUNDER DASH : as zagreus dashes through the battlefield , a path of lightning is created in his path which strikes opponents nearby.ZUES' AID : zues himself can be summoned onto the battlefield to aid zagreus.HEAVEN'S VENGEANCE : if zagreus takes damage , his opponents get struck by zeus' lightning.LIGHTNING REFLEXES : upon dodging an attack , a bolt of lighting will strike a nearby enemy.STORM LGIHTING : a powerful chain of lighting bounces from enemy to enemy multiple times.HIGH VOLTAGE : bolts of lighting rain down from the sky &̲&̲ deal a lot of damage to a large area.DOUBLE STRIKE : bolts of lighting strike twice in a row.STATIC DISCHARGE : if lighting is to strike the enemy , they will be subject to self-inflicted damage that harms them &̲&̲ nearby foes.CLOUDED JUDGEMENT : the more zagreus deals or takes damage , the faster he will be able to call upon the gods.BILLOWING STRENGTH : after zagreus calls upon the gods , his damage output is increased for a short amount of time.SPLITTING BOLT : all lighting-based attacks zagreus uses create an additional burst for added damage.


TEMPEST STRIKE : zagreus's attack is accompanied by a wave of water , dealing additional damage &̲&̲ knocking his opponents away.TEMPEST FLOURISH : zagreus's more powerful attacks are accompanied by a big wave of water which deals additional damage to his opponents &̲&̲ knocks them away.FLOOD SHOT : a magical cast which sends a strong burst of water the opponent's way , dealing damage &̲&̲ knocking them back.FLOOD FLARE : similar to the FLOOD SHOT only with more range. it damages foes around zagreus &̲&̲ knocks them away in the process.TIDAL DASH : when zagreus dashes through the battlefield , blasts of water follow in his path , which damages those in his path &̲&̲ knocks them away.POSIDEON'S AID : zagreus can call upon posideon himself to aid him in battle.TYPHOON'S FURY : when zagreus has his opponent cornered against a barrier , he can deal more damage to them through the form of a raging typhoon.HYDRAULIC MIGHT : zagreus can use the power of the sea to increase his power.RAZOR SHOALS : if the attack hits , the opponent will be subjected to damage every time they moved for several seconds.BOILING POINT : the more zagreus takes damage , the faster he will be able to use his summon.BREAKING WAVE : zagreus casts a large wave onto the battlefield &̲&̲ blasts his foes away with its divine water.WAVE POUNDING : a bigger wave is summoned to knock away &̲&̲ damage opponents.RIP CURRENT : a mighty current surrounds the battlefield to pull opponents closer to zagreus.SECOND WAVE : twin mighty waves strike a large area &̲&̲ all who get caught in its path.


DIVINE STRIKE : powered by the goddess athena , zagreus's attacks increase in power &̲&̲ allows him to deflect the attacks of others.DIVINE FLOURISH : similar to DIVINE STRIKE but stronger , being able to greater increase zagreus' power &̲&̲ deflect more powerful abilities.PHALANX FLARE : a beam of light is cast from zagreus' hand , damaging opponents while deflecting attacks.DIVINE DASH : with athena's power , zagreus is able to leave a trail of light behind him as he dashes , both damaging enemies &̲&̲ deflecting their attacks.ATHENA'S AID : zagreus can call upon athena's aid in battle.HOLY SHIELD : a divine shield can be erected to protect zagreus && deflect his foes' attacks.BRONZE SKIN : divine armor is formed around zagreus' body which resists &̲&̲ protects him from attacks.SURE FOOTING : resist damage from traps or harsh surfaces.BLINDING FLASH : on top of being able to deflect attacks , zagreus can activate this ability to do extra damage to his foes when he strikes them from behind.BRILLIANT RIPOSTE : when activated , zagreus' deflected attacks deal more damage.DEATHLESS STAND : when zagreus utilizes DEATH DEFIANCE to revive himself , he can become impervious to damage longer.LAST STAND : when zagreus utilizes DEATH DEFIANCE &̲&̲ activates this ability , he will come back in better condition.DIVINE PROTECTION : zagreus can use athena's power to erect a divine barrier that negates oncoming damage.


CURSE OF AGONY : when the power of ares is activated , zagreus's attacks cause his targets to take an intense burst of damage ( doom ) after the initial blow.CURSE OF PAIN : like CURSE OF AGONY but much stronger.SLICING SHOT : when casting , a blade rift shoots out towards his target.SLICING FLARE : similar to SLICING SHOT , a larger , more powerful blade rift is launched towards the target.BLADE DASH : as zagreus dashes across the area , crimson blade rifts follow in his path &̲&̲ damages all those in its way.ARES' AID : zagreus can call upon ares in battle.CURSE OF VENGEANCE : after zagreus takes damage , surrounding foes get hit with a powerful burst.URGE TO KILL : all of zagreus' attacks increase greatly in power upon activation.BATTLE RAGE : after slaying an enemy , zagreus gets more powerful.BLOOD FRENZY : after using DEATH DEFIANCE , zagreus gets stronger.BLACK METAL : zagreus' blade rifts increase in power &̲&̲ deal more damage in a wider area.ENGULFING VORTEX : a dark vortex forms &̲&̲ pulls all in its surroundings into its epicenter.DIRE MISFORTUNE : the more doom is applied , the more powerful it gets.IMPENDING DOOM : doom effects become more powerful &̲&̲ last longer when activated.VICIOUS CYCLE : zagreus' blade rift effects deal more damage for each consecutive hit.


HEARTBREAK STRIKE : with the power of aphrodite , the strength of zagreus' attacks increase. whoever he hits is also weakened.HEARTBREAK FLOURISH : like HEARTBREAK STRIKE but much stronger.CRUSH SHOT : magic is casted in a wide , short-ranged blast which inflicts damage &̲&̲ weakens the target.PASSION FLARE : a wide wave is casted that weakens whoever it hits.PASSION DASH : when zagreus dashes throughout the battlefield , all those in his path are subjected to damage &̲&̲ weakened.APHRODITE'S AID: zagreus can call upon aphrodite in battle.DYING LAMENT : when a foe is subject to this attack && dies , they damage &̲&̲ weaken those surrounding them.WAVE OF DESPAIR : after zagreus takes damage , he can inflict damage onto others nearby &̲&̲ weaken them.DIFFERENT LEAGUE : a boon that allows zagreus to resist damage.SWEET SURRENDER : weakened foes are more susceptible to damage.BROKEN RESOLVE : weak attacks become more potent.BLOWN KISS : enables zagreus' cast to be shot farther &̲&̲ stronger.UNHEALTHY FIXATION : an attack that charms the enemy , cause those effected to attack their allies &̲&̲ deal no damage to zagreus while influenced.


DEADLY STRIKE : utilizing artemis' power , zagreus can increase the power of his attacks.DEADLY FLOURISH : like DEADLY STRIKE except stronger.TRUE SHOT : a casting of energy that seeks out targeted foes.HUNTERS FLARE : a wave of natural power that damages foes around zagreus.HUNTER DASH : when zagreus dashes through an area &̲&̲ strikes a foe simultaneously , his attack deals more damage.ARTEMIS' AID : zagreus can call upon artemis in battle.PRESSURE POINTS : zagreus' attacks become stronger.HIDE BREAKER : the ability to break armor.CLEAN KILL : a strike of his weapon deals much more damage &̲&̲ can potentially be lethal.HUNTER'S INSTINCT : the more damage he deals , the faster he can call upon a god's aid.HUNTERS MARK : when zagreus strikes an opponent , they become marked , which increases the amount of damage they take from his attacks.SUPPORT FIRE : a seeking arrow fired on a set target.


DRUNKEN STRIKE : when hit by zagreus' attack , the opponent will become intoxicated.DRUNKEN FLOURISH : similar to DRUNKEN STRIKE except the influence of the drunken effect becomes more potent &̲&̲ the attack increases in power.TRIPPY SHOT : zagreus casts a magic projectile that damages the opponent &̲&̲ bursts into a festive fog , which impairs their sight && movement.TRIPPY FLARE : zagreus' cast damages foes around him , leaving behind festive fog.DRUNKEN DASH : zagreus' dash creates pools of alcohol in his path which intoxicates those caught in it.DIONYSUS' AID : zagreus can call uponthe aid of dionysus in battle.POSITIVE OUTLOOK : if zagreus is hurt , he takes less damage.BAD INFLUENCE : zagreus can deal more damage to those who are drunk.NUMBING SENSATION : those who are under zagreus' hangover move slower.PEER PRESSURE : hangover-afflicted foes contaminate other nearby foes.HIGH TOLERANCE : zagreus takes less damage while standing in festive fog.BLACK OUT : hangover-afflicted foes take bonus damage in festive fog.


FROST STRIKE : zagreus' attacks are accompanied by frost , which chills the target , which slows them down.FROST FLOURISH : similar to FROST STRIKE but stronger.CRYSTAL BEAM : zagreus' cast drops a crystal that fires a beam straight ahead for a few seconds.ICY FLARE : zagreus' cast damages foes around him &̲&̲ inflicts chill.MISTRAL FLARE : when zagreus dashes , it shoots a gust ahead that inflicts chill.DEMETER'S AID : zagreus can call upon the aid of demeter in battle.FROZEN TOUCH : whoever attacks zagreus is frozen.RAVENOUS WILL : at the cost of his ability to cast , zagreus takes less damage &̲&̲ can deal more.NOURISHED SOUL : zagreus can restore health.SNOW BURST : whenever zagreus casts , he can damage nearby foes &̲&̲ inflict chill onto them.ARCTIC BLAST : applying chill 10 times causes a blast of divine magic.KILLING FREEZE : when all opponents are afflicted with chill , they become slow &̲&̲ decay.GLACIAL GLARE : zagreus' cast fires longer &̲&̲ inflicts chill.WINTER HARVEST : a finishing blow. chill-affected opponents shatter when they are near death , inflicting chill to those nearby.
